Evolve Nutrition Basix Cluster Dextrin® is a highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin, formed through the breakdown of Amylopectin, using a patented enzymatic treatment. This results in unique clusters, which are the formed into larger chains using additional branching enzymes.
When compared to other carbohydrates sources, Evolve Nutrition Basix Cluster Dextrin® offers a low osmolality and high molecule weight with minimal blood-insulin effects, benefiting its use in and around training to enhance muscle cell volumization, improve recovery rates and performance levels, while restoring muscle glycogen levels.
Evolve Nutrition Basix Cluster Dextrin® provides a vital energy source during periods of strenuous training. Being a highly versatile performance inclusion, add one serving to your pre-workout to elevate the transport-medium nutrient pump effect for absolute performance gains.
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